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July 2016

What Does Sustainable Pace Really Mean?

Agile values and principles are the core foundation by which Agile organizations operate and make decisions. Everything we do is based in these.  With that being said, viewing every principle through a holistic perspective is absolutely necessary.  Every word in the principles we live by has value and impact.  So, when we reduce a principle to a three word summary, I believe we do ourselves a disservice.  This practice often results in focusing on part of the principle without the balance of the other side.  Through this oversight, we inadvertently create environments where there is unbalance that leaves people frustrated and confused.  They begin to believe that Agile is the problem.  But, the real problem is our failure completely embrace the Agile values and principles and settle for anti-patterns instead.

Today, I’d like to take a deeper look into Agile Principle #8 which states:  Agile processes promote sustainable development.  The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 

Is More Really Better?

One of my favorite things about being and Agile coach is connecting with the Agile community through conferences, meet-ups, and other networks.  Because of these connections I get to interact with  Agilists all over the world.  Over the past few months I’ve noticed a concerning trend coming from the Scrum Master community.  They are telling me with excitement, “I’ve finally worked myself up to two teams!”  Some have said they are now working with three or four teams.  The thing that concerns me is that they seem to view spreading themselves across multiple teams as an accomplishment.  I am hearing pride in “being busy” and “being able to handle more” and that tells me that we still have work to do.  It tells me that there may still be an anti-pattern running rampant in our Agile organizations telling us lies.